Ro Ro

Ro Ro


Welcome to my blog. I talk about music, food & stuff.

Dream Scenario

Dream Scenario

Took in a screening of “Dream Scenario” last night and it kinda exceed my expectations. I saw a trailer for it earlier in the week and kinda assumed it was an extension to Spike Jonze’s fever dream ‘Being John Malckovich’. A film that came out roughly 25 years ago and it’s kinda wild to think how inventive that film was then and still is now. Dream Scenario by Kristoffer Borgli, explores other ground and I would recommend it to anyone who has any interest in communal thought/conscience.

Not entirely sure if the film/script is also a commentary on Nicholas Cage & our collective audience pop-culture affection/defection to his 100+ films. Of which, I’m pretty sure i’ve seen over 50 of them and for reasons that I can’t really explain, I seem to enjoy the bad ones.

Another reason for me seeking this film out was because I suffer from having very VIVID dreams. Absolutely nonsensical dreams where i’m in scenarios that don’t really make any sense. I’m pretty bad about writing dreams down, but there’s rarely a week that goes by where I don’t have a dream that doesn’t stay stuck I my head when I wake up.

I have a knack for having dreams where celebrities (minor ones for the most part) make cameo appearances. Just the other night I had a dream where Greta Gerwig appeared and asked me to help find a small but unique theater/stage in America to do a weekend of Stand Up Comedy dates. Her name was completely lost on me because in my dream Greta was “Frances Halliday” . She may have even appeared in black and white… when I woke up, I felt compelled to actually find interesting looking small theaters around the states and then try to convince comedians I don’t know to book the spaces to have an bizarre tour of intimate comedy dates.

Last Concert Ever

Last Concert Ever

Target Audience of None

Target Audience of None