Ro Ro

Ro Ro


Welcome to my blog. I talk about music, food & stuff.

Postal Service - the Creators Project

When the Postal Service announced that they would be touring in support of 10 Year Anniversary Edition of their seminal album: Give Up

I didn’t feel the slightest urge to seek out tickets to see them perform the album live.

I told friends that if they were going to take time in 2013 to perform Give Up live in 20 or more cities…  that they should save their money (& time seeing how the album weighs in under an hour) and side with my opinion that they should take the time record more music.

Did you know that in 2003, the United States Postal Service - sent a Cease and Desist letter to Sub-Pop and the Band for their use of “the Postal Service” when it was a registered trademark?

The two sides settled their differences by doing some cross promotional work and the Postal Service (band) agreed to perform at the Post Master General’s Annual National Executive Conference.

I would pay 30 dollars for a digital copy of that show.  Possibly 50 dollars for it on Vinyl… that’s the live performance of Give Up, that I want to hear in 2013.

The reason I’m sharing this video, is because the band reflects on the creation of the record.  There’s a great clip in there of Powerbook G4 Titanium that was used to record the album in 2002.

My favorite track off of Give Up

The familiar smell of Print Journalism / Ep. 3: Willie Pete

bite me lips